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Why a Parent's Corner?

We believe strongly that all children can achieve at high levels, understanding that each child has unique gifts, talents, and challenges. At Custer County Schools, parents and staff work closely together to assist students in their academic, emotional, and physical development. Our partnerships with families are important to us, and we invite you to become involved in the school community.


Considering this we have allocated space for the Parent's Corner that shares valuable information that we hope would be really helpful to you.


Get Involved:

The research shows that parental involvement in children’s learning is a key factor in improving children’s academic attainment and achievements, as well as their overall behavior and attendance.

At Custer County Schools, you can get directly involved by being a member of the School Accountability Committee, Parent/Teacher/Student Organization or volunteer in your child's classroom.  

Parent Information Links:

Your Child's Brain on Technology: Social Media

Inside the 6th Graders Brain

Drinking, Drugs and Middle School Dating

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