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Dress Code

Philosophy of our school dress code:  The purpose of our dress code is to enhance the learning atmosphere of our school and never to distract students from the opportunity to have an excellent education. We expect that our high standards of dress and appearance will reflect maturity, poise, good judgment, and Bobcat Pride. This dress code can only be truly effective if we have the support and cooperation from both students and their parents.  These guidelines are in effect during school hours, during any co-curricular activities on and off school grounds, or at any other school sponsored activities. 


Nothing is permitted which may create a health or safety concern. Nothing shall be allowed which causes a disruption to the educational process.


Guidelines for dress (Students will be required to change clothes or wear a T-shirt provided if dress code is not followed):

  1. Footwear must be worn at all times.  

  2. Any clothing/jewelry that promotes violence, drugs, or causes disruption of the educational process is prohibited. Nothing may be worn which is profane or has a derogatory or sexual connotation.  Any clothing/jewelry that carries a manufacturer’s name, logo advertising, etc. of alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana products is prohibited.

  3. All sleeveless tops/shirts must have a minimum of a 2 in. strap (no spaghetti) and NO undergarments may be showing (front or back) including boxer shorts and sports bras.  All shirts must reach the beltline - NO PORTION OF THE TORSO MAY BE SHOWING.  Midriffs, ribs, backs, or cleavage must not be visible.  No halter tops or razor back tank tops, tank tops with less than a two inch strap, or cutoffs may be worn.  

  4. All skirts, dresses, and/or shorts must be below finger-tip length at all times.  If a dress, skirt, or shorts must be constantly adjusted, THEN IT IS TOO SHORT and must not be worn.  

  5. Pants are to be worn at the waist at all times.  If necessary to keep pants in place, please wear a belt.  Boxer shorts or underwear are not to be ever visible in any position.

  6. No spandex should be worn as external garments, except for appropriate athletic activities. If spandex pants, leggings, jeggings or yoga pants are worn, they must be worn with a top that is below fingertip length at all times. 

  7. No head attire, such as hats or scarves, is permitted to be worn in the building during regular school hours from 7:40 AM – 4:00 PM. This applies to male and female students. No warnings will be given about wearing hats in the building.  When a supervisory adult asks a student to remove head attire, the head attire will be given to the supervisory adult. The hat will then be brought to the office. Following the first offense, the student may retrieve the hat from the building principal at the end of the school day.  For additional offenses, either a parent/guardian will be required to get the hat, or a student may retrieve it on the last day of school. Exceptions may be made for religious beliefs that have been pre-approved with the administration.     

  8. Holes in clothing may not reveal skin unless below fingertips.

  9. No sunglasses are to be worn in the building during regular school hours.    

  10. No pajama pants may be worn unless specified as a special dress by school activity, such as Homecoming or dress-up day.


*Other clothing may be deemed inappropriate at the discretion of school administration

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